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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yesterday's Workout

92-mile bike (ouch)
2-mile run

I'd not ridden the Boulder-Horsetooth and back loop since 2001 and despite misplacing my directions was able to navigate the roads correctly until mile 56 when I found the directions at a gas station stop to refill the water bottles.  I somehow managed to forget to start my watch until about 5.5 miles later and thus wound up not hitting 100 miles on my watch - I was curious as to what would display when that number was hit.  Now I'll have to wait until next time.

My legs felt surprisingly good for the ride - I was tired toward the end, to be sure, but the biggest problem was that my gloves had no padding so my palms were really sore and OMG, my ass was killing me.  The shorts I chose to wear were NOT long distance riding shorts despite ample application of Aquaphor to the chamois pre-ride.

Hitting Loveland I also became rather lucky as the wind did a 180 and shifted from the South to the North, meaning I had a tailwind the whole ride home (SWEET!)

The legs actually felt fine as I hopped off and started the run.  Not wanting to count my chickens before they hatch (did I actually just type that?) but perhaps this is a good omen for Ironman CDA.


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