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Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Slow Recovery Week

Up until yesterday my recovery week wasn't anything to write home about, other than my tempo ride on Monday. Tuesday was a rest day and Wednesday was a bunk workout day because I had a meeting at work from 10:30-1:00 and 5 minutes into my run I felt dizzy. I managed to slog through 2.5 miles mixing walking and running because I really just had no energy and bailed on the swim I was supposed to do.

Today, however, was different. Much different. And much better. My mile intervals in my 6-mile run at lunch were awesome even with the gusty wind blowing debris and dust everywhere. My trainer ride was fine on the new saddle but I'll withhold judgment until I can get more rides/time in the new saddle before I declare victory.


  1. u label my blog life drama, huh? How about you fix my macbook for me? Any idea where I can get a good deal on a mother board? And also, way to label all your posts like 10x.. ha. Sucks about your foot, hope it heals fast.
