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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today's Workout

6-mile Z2 run with Z4 intervals
3900m swim (various)

As usual, the run was fine - there's always a question of what will happen when I pass the sketchy section on the North section of the Platt River bike path from Confluence Park. If you're not familiar with this section, it's the stretch between the railroad bridge and 31st St. It's sketchy because the path runs next to a warehouse district one of who's buildings is a Salvation Army shelter. The shelter draws all manner of transients many of whom hang out on this stretch of the path.

To be fair, I've never had an incident and they've almost always been courteous in saying hello or moving out of my way when I run by. But there's still the feeling of uneasiness because it's very clear from how some of them dress that they have nothing left to lose.

The legs are still a little tired from Monday's power lab workout blasting through my sadistic coach's CompuTrainer power profile that looks like Bart Simpson's hair only the peaks are at 110% of LT.

Tonight's swim will most likely consist of slogging through Wolfgang's master's swim class and hoping I don't embarrass myself too much because I've not attended class in at least a month.


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